Ever since moving out, I've been trying to put more of a focus on living healthily. It's definitely not something that comes easy for me, but I've found that making small, manageable lifestyle changes works so much better than going from one extreme to the other. Here are some of the things I've been doing differently that I highly suggest for anyone interested in being a bit healthier.
- Eliminate caffeine from your diet
- Swap regular and diet sodas for fruit-infused water
- Change all of your grains from enriched white flour to 100% whole wheat
- Instead of denying yourself certain foods and treats, just cut your portion sizes in half
- Eat some fresh produce at least twice daily (meals + snacks)
- Learn the signs of when your body is naturally full so you're less likely to over-eat
- Visit your local farmers market once a week so you have access to truly fresh foods
- Try to eliminate as much sugar and processed foods as possible
- Always opt to walk instead of ride whenever you can (stairs over elevators, walking to the store instead of driving, etc.)
- Take up a sport or hobby that is physical but fun, like dance classes, volleyball, or hiking
- Make it a goal to thoroughly clean one area of your house each day
- Plan activities with friends and loved ones that include some form of physical exertion, like walking the mall or going swimming
- Set an alarm to remind you to stand and get moving once an hour
- Take on responsibilities that you know will get you up and moving, like babysitting or volunteering at church
- Whenever one of your favorite songs comes on, always get up and dance :)
- Keep a gratitude journal (this one is huge, and I can't recommend it enough!)
- Take time each day to pray/meditate/reflect
- Learn to be more kind towards yourself and others
- Do something every day that truly makes you happy
- Spend time with those you love and who love you most
- Do whatever you can to be a blessing to others
- Always try to see the positive in everything
- Make taking care of yourself a priority
I'm currently reading the book How To Have Your Cake And Your Skinny Jeans Too, and it's absolutely life-changing. I can confidently say that I will never follow a "diet" ever again, and if you're someone who struggles with their weight, I highly suggest checking out this book.
What lifestyle habits do you have that promote healthy living?
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