~ Auto Buzz ~: Monthly Fiat Maintenance Checklist

Friday, 26 August 2016

Monthly Fiat Maintenance Checklist

Whether you prefer to perform your own vehicle maintenance, or you trust your vehicle to the experts, it’s easy to forget to check the parts and pieces your vehicle needs to run its best. Instead of waiting for a problem to pop up, we’ve created this monthly Fiat maintenance checklist to keep you on track. Check out all the parts and systems we have listed here each month, and you might even save yourself some money on repairs and fixes down the road!  

Monthly Vehicle Checkup List

If you find yourself unsure of which parts of your vehicle should be checked on a monthly basis, we have created this list for you! If you drive less than the average person, you might consider only checking these things every 1000 miles, but when it comes down to increasing the lifespan of your vehicle, there’s nothing better than being proactive in caring for all its parts.

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1. Air Filter
2. Transmission Fluid
3. Accessory Belts
4. Brake Fluid
5. Power-Steering Fluid
6. Battery Life
7. Coolant Levels
8. Hoses
9. Oil Level
10. Tire Pressure & Wear 
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Many of the problems we find in our vehicles can be prevented simply by taking some time to clean things up and keep the fluid levels in check. Things like changing your oil might seem obvious, but to drivers who don’t know what other areas need regular maintenance, a trip to the service center might be in order.

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If you find yourself in the category of people who don’t know where to start with your car’s maintenance, give us a call. The friendly and experienced team at Palmen Fiat is here to help answer your questions. You can even schedule your appointment online! Before you stop in, be sure to check the service center coupons page for the latest savings and discounts.

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