~ Auto Buzz ~: Recommended Reading – The Book of Basic Machines, The U.S. Navy Training Manual

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Recommended Reading – The Book of Basic Machines, The U.S. Navy Training Manual

Book of Basic Machines

Like a strong foundation for a building, you need a solid base of knowledge to understand whatever it is that interests you. For us automotive enthusiasts it’s equally important to understand how all the mechanical systems on your car function… and then some.

More than understanding how engines and differentials work, it’s good to know how other mechanical objects operate. Having a broader grasp of machines and their modus operandi will not only give you a better understanding of how things work but will empower you with a greater appreciation of the mechanical world and all its categories.

Book of Basic Machines

I recently bought this handy little book which describes in easy-to-understand language how basic machines and mechanisms function. It was written by the U.S. Navy to be their training manual, and although it’s only 128 pages, it’s loaded with insightful information on a variety of objects and functions pertaining to all things mechanical.

The 13 chapters are divided into specific categories, and include: Levers, Block and Tackle, The Wheel and Axle, The Inclined Plane and Wedge, The Screw, Gears, Work, Power, Force and Pressure, Hydrostatic and Hydraulic Machines, Machine Elements and Basic Mechanisms, Internal Combustion Engine, and Power Trains.  From the very basic to the complex, you’ll learn about it here.

Book of Basic Machines

Discovering how best to use block and tackle will help you better comprehend how to remove engines properly, and remove them safer, too. The same applies to understanding force and pressure, which will assist you when the time comes to loosen objects that are frozen in place. My favorite chapter was Hydrostatic and Hydraulic, which clearly explained how depth charges explode, as well as torpedos. Now I know.

As the text on the back cover clearly states: “The Book of Basic Machines is an invaluable resource for mechanical engineering students looking to learn the basics, working engineers wanting to brush up on some theory, or hobbyists who just want to know how things work. Simply put, this book is required reading for anyone interested in machines.” And it is .

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