~ Auto Buzz ~: Midweek Matinee: Knights on the Highway, 1938

Thursday 30 June 2016

Midweek Matinee: Knights on the Highway, 1938


All photos are frame grabs from video below.


With a sleep-inducing introduction awkwardly read from cue cards by Murray, then-president of the American Road Builders’ Association, we wonder if the Jam Handy film crew might have scheduled this particular gem after hours. Way after.


Even the good dispatcher looks as if he’s nodding off, though an alert Trucker Joe seems to have his wits about him.



Motoring out of the terminal in his gleaming new Chevy rig, Joe knows his stuff and strictly adheres to the principles of proper night-time driving, herein revealed.



Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Jones prudently pause their automobile journey for a safety break and late-night meal, but that calming glass of milk does him in: He’s ready to nod off. Better to check in at a cozy roadside cabin and continue their trek tomorrow when fully refreshed.

While the presentation here is entertainingly sub-par at times, its nearly 80-year-old content is as valid now as when created, give or take a technological breakthrough or two – like turning signals, for instance. Heed this advice and arrive in one piece. Drive safe, folks.

Public domain archival footage courtesy of the Internet Moving Images Archive, in association with Prelinger Archives.

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