~ Auto Buzz ~: June 27 Weekly Open Thread: Leave it to Chevy Edition

Monday 27 June 2016

June 27 Weekly Open Thread: Leave it to Chevy Edition

This came across the wires* on my Facebook feed the other day and I was rather tickled by it: Tony_Dow_with_Marty_Tryon_and_Corvair_tx600

Leave It To Beaver: Classic TV star reunited with his classic car

There's a video at the link and I've embedded the YouTube version below, as long as it may last. Essentially, Tony Dow, who played Wally Cleaver on the classic 1957-63 TV show, bought a new Chevrolet Corvair Spyder in 1962. He sold it three years later to a person who kept it for the rest of his life. Upon the latter's death, it was decided to give the car back to Dow. The video shows his reunion.

We've dealt with the Corvair before, wherein we (actually, I) argued that it was a decent performance car that got an unfair rap in the press, but was probably doomed anyway:

The Corvair's bad reputation has lingered; the Corvair even made it onto Time Magazine's list of 50 Worst Cars. In some ways that is deserved; the Corvair's very innovative design made it difficult to fix, it had a lot of mechanical problems (at least early on), and although its handling problems were overblown, the early models were a handful. Many are certainly loved by their owners; one woman even tried to take it with her.

Definitely worth getting back, especially after it had been extensively restored. I would have preferred the blue paint job though.

One site running the story asked readers if they would like their first car back, so I thought I'd toss it out as well: Would you take your actual first car back if you could? I suppose we ought to stipulate that said vehicle would be largely restored since pretty much anyone over the age of 40 would likely only get a pile of rust back. 

Me, depends on whether you mean the first car I truly owned or the first car I really considered mine:

Hell no

Hell yes

* For that matter, does anyone under 30 even know what that phrase refers to?

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