~ Auto Buzz ~: Movies That Are Set in Wisconsin

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Movies That Are Set in Wisconsin

Movies set in wisconsin

List of Movies that Take Place in Wisconsin

Do you ever notice the number of times that a movie takes place somewhere very specific, and it happens to be Wisconsin? It’s impressive that for one of many Midwestern states, Wisconsin seems to appear quite often. We’ll give you a list of the movies we can think of that take place in Wisconsin and you can let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below!

Lars and the Real Girl

This quirky movie features Ryan Gosling as a man with social issues who has a relationship with a doll he purchased off the internet. How does the town react?


A hilarious comedy that takes place in Milwaukee showcases some of the great city views and a cast of hilarious women taking part of their friend’s wedding as her wedding party. Her best friend doesn’t handle things well, to say the least.

Dawn of the Dead

Zombies, gore, and jump scares. This movie shows off the horrors of living through attacks of flesh-eating zombies in a Wisconsin mall.

Tommy Boy

This classic comedy features an heir to a large company working through his laziness and incompetence to prove to his dad that he’s up for the task of taking over. Does he succeed? It’s hilarious to see him try!

Are you interested in seeing an even bigger list of movies that take place in Wisconsin? Follow this link and pick a favorite to post in the comments below! We can’t wait to see what you think!

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