~ Auto Buzz ~: Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1950s

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1950s


Hello, Barbara? Yeah, I’m stuck in Idaho – Idaho Falls. The car overheated and the mechanic here says it’ll be a couple days before he can get in the parts to fix it. No, don’t worry about that. I have the briefcase right here with me, it won’t leave my sight, and I’ve already told Tommy not to expect me until Tuesday. Listen, there’s a coffee shop here – LeBaron’s, I don’t know the number, I’m calling from the pay phone outside – you can reach me in there if I’m not at the Holiday Inn. LeBaron’s, right. Call every couple of hours, make up some excuse, like the baby’s crying, and if you don’t reach me at either place, call Tommy right away. Got that? Okay, I’ll see you when this is all over. (photo via)

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