~ Auto Buzz ~: World-record Hotwheels loop built by Ford engineer and his six-year old son

Sunday 26 April 2015

World-record Hotwheels loop built by Ford engineer and his six-year old son


At Ford’s annual ‘bring your children to work’ day in Detroit, a team of workers, lead by a dynomometer engineer and his six-year old son, constructed the world’s largest Hotwheels loop.

Standing an impressive 3.8-meters high, the new loop of signature orange track towers over the previous record of 2.9-meters.

For your fun Ford fact, 3.8-meters is exactly 150-inches – a shout out to Ford’s famous F150 nameplate.


To get enough speed to make the loop, cars head down a ten-meter ramp, conveniently accessed form the third-story balcony in the foyer of Ford’s Research and Innovation center.

For rigidity, the entire structure is supported by a plywood frame.


The orange Hotwheels track was first released in 1968 with a range of 16 1:64 scale cars. In its 47 year history, over 4-billion Hotwheels cars have been sold.

No word yet on whether anyone from Ford has told them all to pack it away before anyone gets any dinner, as is standard practice with Hotwheels sets around the globe.

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