~ Auto Buzz ~: Facebook’s new ‘On This Day’ feature takes you down memory lane, Timehop-style

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Facebook’s new ‘On This Day’ feature takes you down memory lane, Timehop-style


You know those times you look through old Facebook photos and start to feel nostalgic? Well, Facebook wants to make that easier.

The company is today introducing a new feature called “On This Day,” which basically helps you look back at old photos, posts and statuses from the same calendar date in years past.

image 5 730x598 Facebooks new On This Day feature takes you down memory lane, Timehop style By default, only you can see your On This Day page, although you can of course share it with friends.

The functionality is obviously very similar to Timehop, but its understandable that Facebook would want a native version of that feature.

To check it out, just head on over to facebook.com/onthisday. In another Timehop-like move, you can subscribe to notifications so that Facebook alerts you when you have special memories you can pull up.


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