~ Auto Buzz ~: Musk: I Won’t Be Tesla’s CEO Forever

Monday 24 November 2014

Musk: I Won’t Be Tesla’s CEO Forever

Elon Musk

Everybody wants to rule the world one way or another, but forever? Not if you’re Elon Musk.

Per HybridCars , the CEO of Tesla stated in an interview with Auto Bild that while he would never leave the company, he would step down as its leader within the next three to four years, through the production of the Model 3.

As for Tesla itself, Musk said the automaker did fail three times, and burned through its cash to nil, thanks to the fallacies of using the Lotus Elise as an inexpensive foundation to launching a vehicle, and depending upon the powertrain by AC Propulsion to move it. He also proclaimed that he should have been the company’s CEO from the outset, marking the delay as one of his greatest regrets.

As for where he sees himself in the future, Musk says he’d like to go to Mars for a while, return to Earth, then return to Mars in his mid-70s to die under the blue sunset.

The post Musk: I Won’t Be Tesla’s CEO Forever appeared first on The Truth About Cars.

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